Monday, April 14, 2008


Becky and Brian may have to rename their dog, Angel. The story begins at their house one morning with an attempt by Taylor to play the electric keyboard. No success. The keyboard won’t work. First thing; check the cord. It’s plugged in. The cord was plugged in at the socket on the wall and it was plugged in at the keyboard, but there was a problem with that all-important middle part of the cord. It was missing. The cord ends appeared to have been chewed.

An examination of the dog. She didn’t seem to be feeling well. A visit to the Vet. An xray. A three foot wad of electrical cord coiled up in a dog stomach. Laxative. No success. They waited and watched until the electrical cord got close enough to one end of the dog or the other to reach in and pull it out. That worked.

The keyboard cord has been bandaged and the dog is well, but there are some harsher names than “Angel” being bandied about.