Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Birds suck!

We put together a really good bird feeding rack and hang several feeders on it with different kinds of seed and suet. We even provide water. Then we wait. It takes a while for the little birds to get used to this new contraption in their neighborhood, but then the reward: first a few house sparrows and house finches, then they are joined by little chickadees, nuthatches and hummingbirds swarming all over it. What a delight!

But then the big blackbirds, grackles, and jays descend on the feast and demolish it in a matter of minutes. The big birds scare the little birds away and when they’re through, there is nothing left for the little birds. Wait till the big birds are gone and put more food out; they weren’t really gone, they were lurking. Here they are again and it’s gone in another flash.

I think we still need one more birdfeeding accessory. A pellet gun.