Tuesday, March 27, 2007

So here I am

So here I am. Alone in Santa Fe, with no navigator. Missing not just Judy the navigator, but the navigator in the dashboard of the jeep as well. No little map to watch on the screen to see where I am and figure out how to get to where I want to go.

Have you driven in Santa Fe? The whole old section is a series of donkey cart paths now paved. They twist and turn in all directions. You have to look at the street signs on both sides of the street at any intersection. The street names are probably different, for no apparent reason, depending on which way you turn. Most streets only go a block or two before the name changes, or the street ends entirely. Most streets start and stop. Some never stop, they just circle endlessly. Paseo de Peralta. No you don’t turn on it the first time you pass it. Keep driving and turn right when you get to it again!

Know what else? Know that rule about odd numbered addresses and even numbered addresses on opposite sides of the street? Forget that rule in Santa Fe. They just put numbers anywhere they want. I found the block for my client; my client with an even numbered address. The first address on that block I saw was even, so I made several passes in the car, trying to locate the exact address. Didn’t happen. Not till I noticed an address on the other side of the street that was even as well. All addresses on that street are even! I found a place to park and located the address on foot.

I like Santa Fe.