Saturday, September 2, 2006


Travel day. Through the park again, but this time in the motorhome. Drive by and sometimes stop to admire rivers, geysers, bison, elk, deer, osprey, eagles, nutcrackers, juncos, ravens. Judy wanted to see a bull moose, but we didn’t. South out of Yellowsone Park, and in the north entrance to Tetons. Still watching for moose in all the willow fields. Outside the parks, we got a mom and a calf. Judy says a mom and a calf equals one bull.


Got an unusual bird. Great Horned Owl. Not unusual because it was a great horned owl, but unusual because it was standing on the top of a power pole in the middle of the day. Couldn’t stop to examine him, we just blew past in the motorhome. But then a really unusual thing happened. A few miles later we passed another owl, just like the first one. We talked about turning the rig around to go check that one out, but didn’t. Really, what are the chances, two great horned owls would be behaving like that within a few miles of each other?

But then again, this is Wyoming. What else are they going to stand on for a good look around? Well, I guess there were a few trees along that river. And if you see a bird like an owl, it’s not at all unusual to see its mate within the next few miles.

At any rate, so began the debate between Judy and me about whether those were real owls or stunt owls. Guess we’ll never know unless we drive back to see if they are still there with their feet glued to the pole or they’re gone.

Stopped for the night in Riverton.