Monday, May 29, 2006


Saturday was the Iron Horse Classic. Two thousand bicyclists whizzing past our campground, racing the steam train 52 miles uphill to Silverton. We stood next to the road and cheered them all on.

Sunday was the Indy 500. We watched the whole thing on television. After, we went out to wildcat canyon and got the cassin’s kingbird, along with clark’s nutcracker, jays, all three bluebirds, and vesper sparrow.

Monday we went to the junction creek campground and got grace’s warbler. The slam dunk, can't miss lead, actually worked! They were right where they were supposed to be, high in the ponderosa pines. Then we went to a park in Bayfield and got the cordilleran flycatcher. Two more new birds for us, along with lewis’s woodpecker, red naped sapsucker, lots of yellow warblers, a couple American redstarts, dark eyed junco, and chipping sparrow.

All three of the leads came off the same internet reference. That worked out well.

Tomorrow, thankfully, it's back to work, so we can get some relief from all this intense birding......