Friday, November 18, 2005


Judy was doing some work around the outside of the coach which involved
pulling out that heavy slide drawer in the outside cabinet. To get the
drawer open, there are two latches to work: a pull latch with one hand and
a thumb latch with the other. You have to pull really hard to get that
heavy drawer to move, but Judy was up to the task. She pulled on the pull
latch with one hand while lifting the thumb latch with the index finger of
her other hand. Her index finger, not her thumb. There is a reason why
they call it a thumb latch and not a finger latch. If you use your thumb to
hold it open, your hand just naturally follows the drawer as it rolls out.
If you use your finger, however, your hand tends to stay with the latch and
just gets run over by the heavy drawer.

Four stitches in her left index finger, keep it dry for ten days, it'll be
as good as new. Meanwhile, the pain reliever is beginning to wear off
tonight. The finger is starting to tingle. It won't be long and that
finger will own her.

Judy didn't know it was called a thumb latch.