Sunday, November 20, 2005

Bad dog

Judy is so overprotective with Annie. If she sees a big dog coming, she is
always watching to make sure the other dog isn't coming to get her Annie.
Dogs on neutral ground in an RV Park? That's not when dogs attack. Dogs
protect their own property and people. Otherwise, they're just coming over
to say hello.

Before we left Woodland Park, Judy took Annie for her morning walk. A
bigger dog charged out, off lead, and attacked our little princess, growling
and biting for no reason. Annie didn't get hurt, but she did get dragged
around by her leash while Judy hit and kicked the attacking dog. Judy
didn't get bit or hurt either, but the adrenaline sure got pumping.

Can't tease Judy about being overprotective. She was right there and took
care of that bad dog trying to get our Annie.

Now we're at a more civilized park, back at Dakota Ridge in Golden.