Tuesday, December 28, 2004



Back to work, but not a bad place to work. Warmer still. Barefoot.

Know how, when you eat Mexican food out, and they put that tray of chips and
a dish of salsa in front of you, and you start dipping and eating, and your
mouth starts burning? And then, to stop the burning, you can stop and wait,
or chew on some ice chips, or you can take another bite of the stuff that
made your mouth burn in the first place, and it feels better momentarily,
until it starts to burn again? You can stop eating and wait for the burning
to stop, or you can eat some more, but the longer you eat it the longer it
takes to stop burning. You're pretty much stuck eating chips like crazy
until your food arrives. Why do you suppose that is? Why is it that the
stuff that made your mouth burn in the first place is the stuff you can put
in it for relief?

We had Mexican last night.